On Friday, April 24, 2015, between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., the Sacramento Police Department will be conducting a Pedestrian Safety Operation named “Wait for the WALK”.
Sacramento Police Officers, Sacramento Police Volunteers, and Sacramento Regional Law Enforcement Chaplains, will be on foot in the area of J Street and K Street between 10th and 28th Streets to educate the public on pedestrian safety. Safety fliers educating the public on pedestrian laws and hazards will be provided to the community.
The purpose of the Pedestrian Safety Operation "Wait for the WALK" is to educate, reinforce good safety routines and answer any questions from the public. This is being done in effort to lessen the possibility of pedestrian related vehicle collisions.
Out of the 13 largest cities in California, Sacramento currently ranks 8th in total fatal and injury pedestrian collisions. Our goal is to be ranked the lowest at 13th. (Information gathered from Office of Traffic Safety. http://www.ots.ca.gov/ )
Pedestrian related collisions can be avoided. Let’s stack the odds in our favor and remember to use the sidewalks, cross at crosswalks, and wait for the “WALK” signal. Together, we can make Sacramento the safest big city in California.
The Sacramento Police Department urges all visitors and residents to travel safely. Funding for this operation is provided to the Sacramento Police Department, in part by, a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Please direct any inquiries to Sergeant Michele Gigante mgigante@pd.cityofsacramento.org or Officer Curtis Gates cgates@pd.cityofsacramento.org
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