Next month, the Sacramento Police Department will be sending a team of representatives to a two-day course in New Orleans where they will learn new ways to defuse critical incidents.
This training course called “Integrating Communications, Assessment and Tactics” (ICAT) is being held by the “Police Executive Research Forum” (PERF) and concentrates on giving police officers more options for responding to certain types of incidents that often end with a use of force but which might be resolved differently with de-escalation strategies, tactical communications, operational safety tactics, and better decision-making and assessment skills.
These incidents often involve people who have a mental illness or are in some type of crisis. ICAT provides officers with tools that help protect their own safety, while also making it possible in many situations to resolve incidents without ever reaching the point where they need to consider or use lethal force.
In New Orleans, instructors from departments across the country who have been involved in creating ICAT will use scenario-based training, classroom discussions and case studies throughout the course. This course will be a hands-on session for departments looking to implement ICAT and will help to understand the component parts of the program.
For more information regarding PERF and the ICAT program please visit:
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