Welcome to the City Portal

The Sacramento Police City Portal is the only resource you need for accessing and signing up for Police Department related information and services.

Receive a daily digest via email of press releases, neighborhood, and helicopter activity that's occurred within the last 24 hours.
Citizen Watch
Let us know if you have active surveillance cameras/equipment. This confidential registry will be used as an investigative tool if criminal activity occurs near your home or business. Log in below to update this information.
Ride On! The City of Sacramento Bike Registration Portal
If you have a bicycle, you can register it with the City of Sacramento along with a picture of it to assist with recovery in the event it's lost or stolen.
Business Notification Sign-Up
If you own or manage a business in the City of Sacramento, you can register to receive timely information related to crime and other concerns that may impact your business.
Return Me Safe
Provide the City of Sacramento information to help identify and return vulnerable members of the community to safety.

Your information will be kept confidential and it will not be sold, disclosed to others, or used for unsolicited mass mailings.


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